Be Great, Vaccinate – Anti Tanty Campaign

Posted on May 16, 2021

Based on a twitter space started by Kristoff Alexander, it was realised by many that we must do our part to combat the rampant misinformation. Instead of quarrelling with “Tanty’s” we’d send them broadcasts to send to their people. I have dubbed it the “Be Great, Vaccinate” Campaign. Geared toward re-educating the less informed population that is most susceptible to believing anything they see / read.
Here is the FIRST: (i’d love if others could continue – abbriviate the message as you see fit)

Today’s Scripture 

“Guard what is laid up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the falsely called ‘knowledge.’” —1 Tim. 6:20 (NWT) 

God promises give us the strength to see the difference between facts and fiction. Even now in the time of the internet when empty speeches happen everyday he will show us the way. If we look for bad news, we will always find it. Similarly, if we look for a way out we will find it! 

God says restoration and new beginnings are coming through His goodness. Breakthroughs, abundance, and victory are coming. The pain is only temporary and is going to give way to a deep satisfaction, a joy you can’t explain, and that joy will go on forever. 

Herd immunity is the new way we will make it out of trails like this pandemic. Soon enough will be vaccinated and we pray that whoever is sick will get better and become part of the solution.

Happy Monday!
Whatever you do this week, do it heartily.
This week I will be eating well, staying home, ordering my groceries for PICK UP and if I get a chance I will take the vaccine. What will you be doing? 

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